Monday, June 12, 2006

Newkirk Herald May 15, 1941

Mrs. Darrell Fulton and Mrs. W.R. Hutchison entertained with a 2 o'clock luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Fulton. The luncheon and pink and blue shower were in honor of Mrs. Louis Strong. The afternoon was spent in playing bridge with Mrs. Lyle Hayes winning high score, Mrs. L.C. McGee second high, and Miss Minnie Hamilton, low.
Those present were: Mesdames Lyle Hayes, Donald Adams, Lloyd Casement, Virginia Hayes, L.C. McGee, Clyde Heltzel, Ralph Leighty, George Shreeves, Emmett Woolsey, Arthur Severin, Dean Hoye, Marion Rigdon, Jack Midgley and Miss Minnie Hamilton. Mrs. Frank Chappell and Mrs. Charles Lane sent gifts.


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